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Netdata Agent CLI

The netdatacli executable offers a straightforward way to manage the Netdata Agent's operations.

It is located in the same directory as the netdata binary.

Available commands:

helpDisplay usage information and exit.
reload-healthReloads the Netdata health configuration, updating alerts based on changes made to configuration files.
reload-labelsReloads host labels from netdata.conf.
reopen-logsClose and reopen log files.
shutdown-agentGracefully shut down the Netdata Agent.
fatal-agentLog the current state and forcefully halt the Netdata Agent.
reload-claiming-stateReload the Agent's claiming state from disk.
pingChecks the Agent's status. If the Agent is alive, it exits with status code 0 and prints 'pong' to standard output. Exits with status code 255 otherwise.
aclk-state [json]Return the current state of ACLK and Cloud connection. Optionally in JSON.
dumpconfigDisplay the current netdata.conf configuration.
remove-stale-node <node_id \| machine_guid \| hostname \| ALL_NODES>Unregisters a stale child Node, removing it from the parent Node's UI and Netdata Cloud. This is useful for ephemeral Nodes that may stop streaming and remain visible as stale.
versionDisplay the Netdata Agent version.

See also the Netdata daemon command line options.

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