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Events tab

The Events tab provides a feed which is a powerful feature that tracks events that happen on your infrastructure, or in your Space. The feed lets you investigate events that occurred in the past, which is invaluable for troubleshooting. Common use cases are ones like when a node goes offline, and you want to understand what events happened before that. A detailed event history can also assist in attributing sudden pattern changes in a time series to specific changes in your environment.

What are the available events?

At a high-level view, these are the domains from which the Events feed will provide visibility into.


Based on your space's plan, different allowances are defined to query past data.

Domains of eventsCommunityHomelabBusinessEnterprise On-Premise
Auditing events

Events related to actions done on your Space, e.g. invite user, change user role or change plan.

4 hours90 days90 daysUser dependent
Topology events

Node state transition events, e.g. live or offline.

4 hours14 days14 daysUser dependent
Alert events

Alert state transition events, can be seen as an alert history log.

4 hours90 days90 daysUser dependent

Auditing events

Event nameDescriptionExample
Space CreatedThe space was created.Space Acme Space was created
Room CreatedA Room was created on the Space.Room DB Servers was created by John Doe
Room DeletedA Room was deleted from the Space.Room DB servers was deleted by John Doe
User Invited to SpaceA user was invited to join the Space.User John Smith was invited to this space by Alan Doe
User Uninvited from SpaceAn invitation for a user to join the space was revoked.User John Smith was uninvited from this space
User Added to SpaceA user was added to the Space from an invitation (user accepted the invitation).User John Smith was added to this space by invite of Alan Doe
User Removed from SpaceA user was added to the Space from an invitation.User John Smith was removed from this space by Alan Doe
User Added to RoomA user was added to a Room on the Space.User John Smith was added to Room DB servers
User Removed from RoomA user was removed from a Room on the Space.User John Smith was removed from Room DB Servers by Alan Doe
User Space Properties ChangedThe properties of a user on the Space have changed, e.g. change user roleUser role for John Smith was changed to troubleshooter by Alan Doe
Node Added To RoomThe node was added to a Room on the Space.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was added to Room DB Servers by John Doe
Node Removed To RoomThe node was removed from a Room on the Space.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was removed from Room DB Servers by John Doe
Silencing Rule CreatedA new alert notification silencing rule was created on the Space.Silencing rule DB Servers schedule silencing on Rooms All nodes and DB Servers was created by John Smith
Silencing Rule ChangedAn existing alert notification silencing rule was modified on the Space.Silencing rule DB Servers schedule silencing on Rooms All nodes and DB Servers was changed by John Doe
Silencing Rule DeletedAn existing alert notifications silencing rule was removed from the Space.Silencing rule DB Servers schedule silencing on Rooms All nodes and DB Servers was changed by Alan Smith
Space Claiming Token CreatedA Space Claiming Token was created.Claiming Token was created by user John Doe
Space Claiming Token RevokedA Space Claiming Token was revoked.Claiming Token _OtF2ssjrv was revoked by user John Doe

Topology events

Event nameDescriptionExample
Node Became LiveThe node is collecting and streaming metrics to Cloud.Node netdata-k8s-state-xyz was live
Node Became StaleThe node is offline and not streaming metrics to Cloud. It can show historical data from a parent node.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was stale
Node Became OfflineThe node is offline, not streaming metrics to Cloud and not available in any parent node.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was offline
Node CreatedThe node is created but it is still Unseen on Cloud, didn't establish a successful connection yet.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was created
Node RemovedThe node was removed from the Space, for example by using the Delete action on the node. This is a soft delete in that the node gets marked as deleted, but retains the association with this space. If it becomes live again, it will be restored (see Node Restored below) and reappear in this space as before.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was deleted (soft)
Node RestoredThe node was restored. See Node Removed above.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was restored
Node DeletedThe node was deleted from the Space. This is a hard delete and no information on the node is retained.Node ip-xyz.ec2.internal was deleted (hard)
Agent ConnectedThe agent connected to the Cloud MQTT server (Agent-Cloud Link established).
These events can only be seen on All nodes Room.
Agent with claim ID 7d87bqs9-cv42-4823-8sd4-3614548850c7 has connected to Cloud.
Agent DisconnectedThe agent disconnected from the Cloud MQTT server (Agent-Cloud Link severed).
These events can only be seen on All nodes Room.
Agent with claim ID 7d87bqs9-cv42-4823-8sd4-3614548850c7 has disconnected from Cloud: Connection Timeout.
Space StatisticsDaily snapshot of space node statistics.
These events can only be seen on All nodes Room.
Space statistics. Nodes: 22 live, 21 stale, 18 removed, 61 total.

Alert events

Event nameDescriptionExample
Node Alert State ChangedThese are node alert state transition events and can be seen as an alert history log. You will be able to see transitions to or from any of these states: Cleared, Warning, Critical, Removed, Error or UnknownTransition to Cleared:
httpcheck_web_service_bad_status for httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz recovered with value 8.33%

Transition from Cleared to Warning or Critical:
httpcheck_web_service_bad_status for httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz was raised to WARNING with value 10%

Transition from Warning to Critical:
httpcheck_web_service_bad_status for httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz escalated to CRITICAL with value 25%

Transition from Critical to Warning:
httpcheck_web_service_bad_status for httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz was demoted to WARNING with value 10%

Transition to Removed:
Alert httpcheck_web_service_bad_status for httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz is no longer available, state can't be assessed.

Transition to Error:
For this alert httpcheck_web_service_bad_status related to httpcheck_netdata_cloud.request_status on netdata-parent-xyz we couldn't calculate the current value ⓘ

Who can access the events?

All users will be able to see events from the Topology and Alerts domain but Auditing events, once these are added, will only be accessible to administrators. For more details check the Netdata Role-Based Access model.

How to use the events feed

  1. Click on the Events tab (located near the top of your screen)
  2. You will be presented with a table listing the events that occurred from the timeframe defined on the date time picker
  3. You can use the filtering capabilities available on right-hand bar to slice through the results provided


When you try to query a longer period than what your space allows you will see an error message highlighting that you are querying data outside your plan.

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