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Daemon Configuration Reference

The Netdata daemon's main configuration file is located at /INSTALL_PREFIX/netdata/netdata.conf. While Netdata works effectively with default settings, this file allows you to fine-tune its behavior.

You can view your current configuration, including default values, at http://IP:19999/netdata.conf. Access to this URL is restricted to local IPs by default.

The configuration file uses an INI-style format with [SECTION] headers:

[directories]Directories used by Netdata
[environment variables]Environment variables
[ml]Machine Learning
[health]Health monitoring
[web]Web Server
[telemetry]Internal monitoring
[statsd]StatsD plugin
[plugins]Data collection Plugins (Collectors)
[plugin:NAME]Individual Plugins


The configuration uses a simple name = value format. Netdata tolerates unknown options, marking them with comments when viewing the running configuration through /netdata.conf.

Applying changes

After netdata.conf has been modified, Netdata needs to be restarted for changes to apply.

Configuration Sections

global section options

process scheduling policykeepSee Netdata process scheduling policy
OOM score0
glibc malloc arena max for plugins1
glibc malloc arena max for Netdata1
hostnameauto-detectedThe hostname of the computer running Netdata.
host access prefixemptyThis is used in Docker environments where /proc, /sys, etc have to be accessed via another path. You may also have to set SYS_PTRACE capability on the docker for this work. Check issue 43.
timezoneauto-detectedThe timezone retrieved from the environment variable
run as usernetdataThe user Netdata will run as.
pthread stack sizeauto-detected
crash reportsall or offIt is off when anonymous telemetry is disabled, otherwise all. When it is all Netdata reports agent restarts and crashes. It can also be crashes to report only crashes. Each kind of event is deduplicated and reported at most once per day.

db section options

modedbenginedbengine: The default for long-term metrics storage with efficient RAM and disk usage. Can be extended with dbengine page cache size and dbengine tier X retention size.
ram: The round-robin database will be temporary and it will be lost when Netdata exits.
alloc: Similar to ram, but can significantly reduce memory usage, when combined with a low retention and does not support KSM.
none: Disables the database at this host, and disables Health monitoring entirely, as that requires a database of metrics. Not to be used together with streaming.
retention3600Used with mode = ram/alloc, not the default mode = dbengine. This number reflects the number of entries the netdata daemon will by default keep in memory for each chart dimension. Check Memory Requirements for more information.
storage tiers3The number of storage tiers you want to have in your dbengine. Check the tiering mechanism in the dbengine's reference. You can have up to 5 tiers of data (including the Tier 0). This number ranges between 1 and 5.
dbengine page cache size32MiBDetermines the amount of RAM in MiB that is dedicated to caching for Tier 0 Netdata metric values.
dbengine tier N retention size1GiBThe disk space dedicated to metrics storage, per tier. Can be used in single-node environments as well.
N belongs to [1..4]
dbengine tier N retention time14d, 3mo, 1y, 1y, 1yThe database retention, expressed in time. Can be used in single-node environments as well.
N belongs to [1..4]
update every1The frequency in seconds, for data collection. For more information see the performance guide. These metrics stored as Tier 0 data. Explore the tiering mechanism in the dbengine's reference.
dbengine tier N update every iterations60The down sampling value of each tier from the previous one. For each Tier, the greater by one Tier has N (equal to 60 by default) less data points of any metric it collects. This setting can take values from 2 up to 255.
N belongs to [1..4]
dbengine tier back fillnewSpecifies the strategy of recreating missing data on higher database Tiers.
new: Sees the latest point on each Tier and save new points to it only if the exact lower Tier has available points for it's observation window (dbengine tier N update every iterations window).
none: No back filling is applied.
N belongs to [1..4]
memory deduplication (ksm)yesWhen set to yes, Netdata will offer its in-memory round robin database and the dbengine page cache to kernel same page merging (KSM) for deduplication.
cleanup obsolete charts after1hSee monitoring ephemeral containers, also sets the timeout for cleaning up obsolete dimensions
gap when lost iterations above1
cleanup orphan hosts after1hHow long to wait until automatically removing from the DB a remote Netdata host (child) that is no longer sending data.
enable zero metricsnoSet to yes to show charts when all their metrics are zero.


The multiplication of all the enabled tiers dbengine tier N update every iterations values must be less than 65535.

directories section options

config/etc/netdataThe directory configuration files are kept.
stock config/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d
log/var/log/netdataThe directory in which the log files are kept.
web/usr/share/netdata/webThe directory the web static files are kept.
cache/var/cache/netdataThe directory the memory database will be stored if and when Netdata exits. Netdata will re-read the database when it will start again, to continue from the same point.
lib/var/lib/netdataContains the Alert log and the Netdata instance GUID.
home/var/cache/netdataContains the db files for the collected metrics.
lock/var/lib/netdata/lockContains the data collectors lock files.
plugins"/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d" "/etc/netdata/custom-plugins.d"The directory plugin programs are kept. This setting supports multiple directories, space separated. If any directory path contains spaces, enclose it in single or double quotes.
Health config/etc/netdata/health.dThe directory containing the user Alert configuration files, to override the stock configurations
stock Health config/usr/lib/netdata/conf.d/health.dContains the stock Alert configuration files for each collector
registry/opt/netdata/var/lib/netdata/registryContains the registry database and GUID that uniquely identifies each Netdata Agent

logs section options

There are additional configuration options for the logs. For more info, see Netdata Logging.

debug flags0x0000000000000000Bitmap of debug options to enable. For more information check Tracing Options.
debug/var/log/netdata/debug.logThe filename to save debug information. This file will not be created if debugging is not enabled. You can also set it to syslog to send the debug messages to syslog, or off to disable this log. For more information check Tracing Options.
error/var/log/netdata/error.logThe filename to save error messages for Netdata daemon and all plugins (stderr is sent here for all Netdata programs, including the plugins). You can also set it to syslog to send the errors to syslog, or off to disable this log.
access/var/log/netdata/access.logThe filename to save the log of web clients accessing Netdata charts. You can also set it to syslog to send the access log to syslog, or off to disable this log.
collectorjournalThe filename to save the log of Netdata collectors. You can also set it to syslog to send the access log to syslog, or off to disable this log. Defaults to Journal if using systemd.
HealthjournalThe filename to save the log of Netdata Health collectors. You can also set it to syslog to send the access log to syslog, or off to disable this log. Defaults to Journal if using systemd.
daemonjournalThe filename to save the log of Netdata daemon. You can also set it to syslog to send the access log to syslog, or off to disable this log. Defaults to Journal if using systemd.
facilitydaemonA facility keyword is used to specify the type of system that is logging the message.
logs flood protection period1mLength of period during which the number of errors should not exceed the errors to trigger flood protection.
logs to trigger flood protection1000Number of errors written to the log in errors flood protection period sec before flood protection is activated.
levelinfoControls which log messages are logged, with error being the most important. Supported values: info and error.

environment variables section options

TZ:/etc/localtimeWhere to find the timezone
PATHauto-detectedSpecifies the directories to be searched to find a command
PYTHONPATHUsed to set a custom python path

sqlite section options

auto vacuumINCREMENTALThe auto-vacuum status in the database
synchronousNORMALThe setting of the "synchronous" flag
journal modeWALThe journal mode for databases
temp storeMEMORYUsed to determine where temporary tables and indices are stored
journal size limit16777216Used to set a new limit in bytes for the database
cache size-2000Used to suggest the maximum number of database disk pages that SQLite will hold in memory at once per open database file

health section options

This section controls the general behavior of the Health monitoring capabilities of Netdata.

Specific Alerts are configured in per-collector config files under the health.d directory. For more info, see health monitoring.

Alert notifications are configured in health_alarm_notify.conf.

enabledyesSet to no to disable all Alerts and notifications
in memory max Health log entries1000Size of the Alert history held in RAM
script to execute on alarm/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/alarm-notify.shThe script that sends Alert notifications. Note that in versions before 1.16, the plugins.d directory may be installed in a different location in certain OSs (e.g. under /usr/lib/netdata).
run at least every10sControls how often all Alert conditions should be evaluated.
postpone alarms during hibernation for1mPrevents false Alerts. May need to be increased if you get Alerts during hibernation.
Health log retention5dSpecifies the history of Alert events (in seconds) kept in the Agent's sqlite database.
enabled alarms*Defines which Alerts to load from both user and stock directories. This is a simple pattern list of Alert or template names. Can be used to disable specific Alerts. For example, enabled alarms = !oom_kill * will load all Alerts except oom_kill.

web section options

Refer to the web server documentation

plugins section options

In this section you will see be a boolean (yes/no) option for each plugin (e.g., tc, cgroups, apps, proc etc.). Note that the configuration options in this section for the orchestrator plugins python.d and charts.d control all the modules written for that orchestrator. For instance, setting python.d = no means that all Python modules under collectors/python.d.plugin will be disabled.

Additionally, there will be the following options:

enable running new pluginsyesWhen set to yes, Netdata will enable detected plugins, even if they are not configured explicitly. Setting this to no will only enable plugins explicitly configured in this file with a yes
check for new plugins every60The time in seconds to check for new plugins in the plugins directory. This allows having other applications dynamically creating plugins for Netdata.
checksnoThis is a debugging plugin for the internal latency

registry section options

To understand what this section is and how it should be configured, refer to the registry documentation.

Per-plugin configuration

The configuration options for plugins appear in sections following the pattern [plugin:NAME].

Internal plugins

Most internal plugins will provide additional options. Check Internal Plugins for more information.

Note that by default, Netdata will enable monitoring metrics for disks, memory, and network only when they are not zero. If they are constantly zero, they are ignored. Metrics that will start having values, after Netdata is started, will be detected and charts will be automatically added to the dashboard when refreshed. Use yes instead of auto in plugin configuration sections to enable these charts permanently. You can also set the enable zero metrics option to yes in the [global] section which enables charts with zero metrics for all internal Netdata plugins.

External plugins

External plugins will have only two options at netdata.conf:

update everythe value of [global].update every settingThe frequency in seconds the plugin should collect values. For more information check the performance guide.
command options-Additional command line options to pass to the plugin.

External plugins that need additional configuration may support a dedicated file in /etc/netdata. Check their documentation.

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